Sunday, April 5, 2015

Procrastination Nation

T'was the night before Easter and all through the store parents were frantic. "Do you have anything left?!?" No. No we do not. You waited until less than 12 hours before Easter morning to shop for your child's Easter presents. This sort of situation happens before holidays and birthdays. I might sound rude for saying this, but I have a really hard time feeling bad for parents that wait this long-- especially when they take out their frustration on me. If your child absolutely had to have a specific toy for the occasion, why the hell did you wait until the last minute to buy it??

Last night I had a parent scream at me because we were out of Easter grass. My only response was "you could try Dollar Tree".  We've been out of Easter grass for almost a week.

The thing that people don't understand about seasonal items (Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's, St. Patrick's Day, etc.) is that we don't reorder these items. So once we run out, we've run out. That way we avoid losing money when we have to discount the product after the holiday.


  1. Hahaha that is soooo funny because I procrastinate more than anyone I've ever met. One day I will probably be that retarded parent. That sucks that you have to deal with so many stupid cooworkers and people all at one time! Love this blog bro.

  2. haha I loved this blog and personally the video clip was my favorite! I hope that parent learned their lesson because that is stupid they yelled at you for something you can not control... karma will bite them in the butt tho!

    1. I'm glad you liked the gif. I thought it fit the situation quite well.
